Jurnal Wakaf dan Ekonomi Islam2024-12-20T20:53:10+07:00Nurka'ibawqaf@bwi.go.idOpen Journal Systems<p>Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf dan Ekonomi Islam (e-ISSN: 2654-377X, p-ISSN: 2085-0824) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Divisi Kerja Sama, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Badan Wakaf Indonesia. Jurnal terbit dua kali dalam setahun dalam bentuk cetak dan daring. Jurnal edisi cetak terbit sejak tahun 2008.</p> Uang Sebagai Peluang Ekonomi Syariah Kontemporer2024-12-20T20:53:10+07:00Bahrul Ulumbchrll.ulum@gmail.comPuji Astarimafkarhabib2219@gmail.comRini<p><strong>Abstrack</strong>: Cash waqf is a type of productive waqf that is currently in demand by the public with a system that makes it easier for people to donate waqf. Obstacles to developing cash waqf include the lack of public understanding about cash waqf and the challenges of developing the value of cash waqf. The aim of this research is to explain the scope of cash waqf, to find out contemporary and safe cash waqf development programs. This method uses qualitative research with library research analysis where information and data are collected with the help of various kinds of materials in the library such as reference books, results of similar previous research, articles, notes, and various journals related to the problem you want to solve. The results of this research are that cash waqf has the potential to have high beneficial value for the people. LKS-PWU as the cash waqf nazhir is responsible for managing and developing cash waqf. In terms of waqf management, management money must be based on Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 Clause 48.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: </p>2024-08-21T10:03:42+07:00Copyright (c) Wakaf, Infak, dan Sedekah Sebagai Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Muslim Surabaya2024-12-20T20:52:38+07:00Ella Lailatul Machmudahella.lailatul.m144@gmail.comFaiz An Nashrullahvaizeljordan19@gmail.comSri<p>Abstract: This research discusses the efforts to develop the non-zakah Islamic economy, namely waqf, infaq, and sadaqah, to empower and strengthen the Islamic economy. This paper seeks to understand the issue of poverty in Surabaya's Muslim community. Based on the data obtained from the official website of the Surabaya government, the poverty rate in Surabaya has been unstable in recent years. However, the poverty rate in Surabaya is closer to a significant decline; this cannot be separated from the government's efforts to alleviate poverty through certain policies. Islam views poverty as a form of test that Allah SWT gives, even though it is not considered a pleasure. Linking this description with Yusuf Qordhowi's ideas about the concept of poverty alleviation, one of which is the presence of baitul mal (management of state assets whose distribution is beneficial for the benefit of the people), and the existence of voluntary alms and infaq.<br>Keywords: Poverty Alleviation, Infaq Waqf, and Alms, Islamic Economics</p>2024-09-03T16:48:01+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf dan Ekonomi Islam Model Bisnis Wakaf Blockchain di Indonesia Menggunakan Model Bisnis Canvas2024-12-20T20:52:54+07:00Artha Wirawan Yusuf<p>This article analyzes the blockchain waqf business model in Indonesia using the Business Model Canvas through literature review, expert interviews, and data analysis. The research findings indicate the potential for increasing waqf revenue. The practical implications serve as a guide for waqf developers and managers, as well as offering new insights to the public. This research represents an original contribution to understanding the blockchain waqf business model within the framework of the Business Model Canvas.</p>2024-09-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf dan Ekonomi Islam of Literacy and Access to Information Media Regarding The Interest of Communities with Land Wakaf at The East Adonara District Office of Religious Affairs (KUA)2024-12-20T20:52:23+07:00Indriyani Sri Syamsiarsyamsiarindriayanisri@gmail.comMukhtar Lutfimukhtar.lutfi64@gmail.comTrisno Wardy<p>Even though land waqf is included in Islamic teachings, there are still many people who are not aware of the importance of the existence of land for the benefit of the people. Waqf land is regulated in several Indonesian Constitutions which are run by KUA throughout Indonesia. The KUA of Adonara Timur Subdistrict as a forum for channeling land waqf has many shortcomings. Communities, religious leaders, KUA staff, officials who have credibility and power in the social order of life need to be massive in conducting socialization so that literacy, access to information media can support community interest in waqf land. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of literacy and access to information media on the interest in waqf for the people of East Adonara District, East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggra Province (NTT). This research was conducted at the KUA Office in East Adonara District with a sample size of 50 respondents who were determined through purpove sampling. This type of quantitative research with data collection methods uses a questionnaire consisting of three variables, namely literacy, access to information media and interest in waqf. Data analysis utilized the Multiple Linear Regression Test which was processed using SPSS version 25. The results showed that the level of influence of literacy on interest in waqf was included in the significant category with a sig. on variable X1 (literacy) of 0.00 ttable of 2.013, the level of influence of access to information media on interest in waqf is a significant category with a sig value. 0.00 ttable 2, 013 and the level of influence of literacy and access to information media on interest in waqf is a significant category with a sig. 0,000 Ftable 3,195. This effect is described in the coefficient of determination test (R2), namely the influence of variables X1 (literacy) and X2 (access to information media) on variable Y (interest in waqf) with a percentage of influence of 86.5%.</p> <p> </p>2024-09-03T16:55:20+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf dan Ekonomi Islam Kepercayaan Wakif Melalui Prinsip Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas2024-12-20T20:52:07+07:00Ayiek Evrytanadhaayiekevrytanadha@gmail.comDwi<p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This research aims to analyze the concept of transparency and accountability in waqf institutions in Indonesia. This type of research is research using library research methods, namely research that utilizes library sources to obtain research data. One of the characteristics of library research is that researchers are confronted directly with text or numerical data and not direct knowledge from the field or eye-sanctions in the form of events, people or other objects. The success of waqf management lies in the existence of nadzir in maximizing the potential of waqf funds, so that the existence and quality of nadzir need to receive more attention from the government, whether the nadzir are individuals, organizations and legal entities. Wakif is influenced by Nadzir's professionalism in managing waqf, his expertise in managing waqf assets, waqf must refer to modern management principles. The application of the principle of accountability has increased public trust in waqf institutions. Nadzir's professionalism in waqf management is to manage waqf transparently and accountably so that wakifs participate in the development of waqf, both in reporting and otherwise.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: accountability; nadhir; waqf</p>2024-09-03T16:58:45+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf dan Ekonomi Islam